Welcome to FoggsOnline.com, where the Foggs post their stuff, thinking you might find at least some of it interesting.

About The Foggs

Meet the Foggs: Doug, Rose, Angie, and Jason. Some of us are on Facebook, too, but we started this site in 2002, two years before Mark Zuckerberg started his. We needed a place to post photos of and for family members, as well as other stuff. It's not quite as interactive here, but it won't overwhelm you.

About The Foggs »


Doug's first camera was a Brownie Starflash 127 film camera given to him for Christmas by his grandmother back in the Fifties. He's been taking pictures ever since. Maybe it's a result of being born in Rochester, NY, the home of Kodak. Since that Starflash, he's owned a Polaroid Colorpak instant camera, A Canon FT-QL SLR, a Canon A-1, several Canon digital cameras, and, most recently, a Nikon D610 DSLR. You'll find photos from just about all of them here.

Photos »


Video here documents the Foggs' lives fom late 1991 through today. Original formats range from analog Hi-8mm tape, DV tape, and pure digital, from standard definition, through high definition video, and 4K video. Some of it is awful, and some of it not too bad. What's important is the memories they capture.

Video »


Rose Fogg is a Silver-Certified United States Bowling Congress Coach (USBC) who offers lessons to bowlers of all ages in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area. Like any other sport, bowling requires sound fundamentals. Often, the best way to learn them is through one-on-one interaction with a real live coach. Rose was also Head Coach of the Southern University Lady Jaguars bowling team from 2014 until she retired in 2020. Click the Bowling button below to learn more.

Bowling »


Doug spent 31 years working for Lockheed Martin on the Space Shuttle External Tank Program at NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. As a Facilities Engineer, he was fortunate enough to be invited to the STS-105 Launch Honoree Event. He got to see the launch of the STS-105 Space Shuttle Mission in August, 2001 and party in Florida with astronauts, NASA folks, and employees of other NASA contractors. The photo and video record of the eevnt is here.

STS-105 »

Tandy 2000

Rose gave Doug a Tandy 2000 computer for his birthday back in the early Eighties. It was Radio Shack's improvement on the IBM-PC of the time, and was its first MS-DOS computer. Starting with dual 720K 5.25-inch floppy drives, monochrome video, and a whopping 256K of memory, Doug added 16-color graphics and a color monitor, two memory expansion cards he modified to hold twice the normal 128K of memory, and a 32 MB hard drive. Wow! But the machine wasn't quite IBM-compatible because of hardware differences, so Doug wrote his own utilities to improve compatibility and allow it to run IBM versions of programs like dBASE III. That utility, and more software is available for download here.

Tandy 2000 »

© 2025 - J. Douglas Fogg